Impact Loan Overview
We know how difficult it can be to make ends meet, especially when faced with an unexpected crisis. The Capital Good Fund Impact Loan is designed to help you bridge financial gaps when life calls for extra assistance.
We make the loan process as easy as possible. Although we do review your credit profile, there is no minimum FICO requirement. In addition, there are absolutely CERO costos de solicitud o cierre!
Our goal is to help families address their financial needs without having to turn to predatory lenders, who can charge over 300% interest rates in some states.
Puede utilizar un Préstamo de Impacto para una variedad de propósitos, incluido el pago de alquiler o depósitos de seguridad, reparaciones de automóviles, cubrir el costo de los servicios públicos, gastos médicos, compras de tecnología (computadora portátil, tableta, etc.) y más.
The Impact Loan is currently available in Rhode Island, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Georgia y Connecticut. APR varies by state. Click on your state below to apply or learn more!
Check Your Eligibility!
Eligible States | Total APR | Repayment Calculator |
Rhode Island | 18% with ZERO closing fees | Monthly Payment |
Florida | 18% with ZERO closing fees | Monthly Payment |
Illinois | 18% with ZERO closing fees | Monthly Payment |
Texas | 12% with ZERO closing fees | Monthly Payment |
New Jersey | 12% with ZERO closing fees | Monthly Payment |
Connecticut | 12% with ZERO closing fees | Monthly Payment |
Georgia | 5% with ZERO closing fees | Monthly Payment |