Solar For All - Capital Good Fund

Solar For All:
Georgia BRIGHT Communities Initiative

What Is Solar For All?

Solar for All is a federally funded program through the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund that is designed to bring the benefits of solar energy to low-income and disadvantaged communities that have historically had less access to clean energy.


Solar For All in Georgia

In partnership with the Cities of Atlanta, Savannah, and Decatur, Capital Good Fund will use funding to bring the benefits of solar to more than 15,000 households across Georgia over the next five years through the Georgia BRIGHT Communities Initiative. 

The Initiative will reach households through four major solar programs:

Who Can Participate?

Solar for All programming will be open to Georgia residents who either earn under 80% of the Area Median Income for their county or live in a disadvantaged census tract.

Solar For All Updates

Ready to Take Action?

Help us design the next steps for Solar For All. We are looking for information on upcoming solar project and coalition partnership interest.

Have Questions?

Email [email protected] with any questions or to connect with our team directly. 
