Solar for All is a federally funded program through the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund that is designed to bring the benefits of solar energy to low-income and disadvantaged communities that have historically had less access to clean energy.
Solar For All in Georgia
In partnership with the Cities of Atlanta, Savannah, and Decatur, Capital Good Fund will use funding to bring the benefits of solar to more than 15,000 households across Georgia over the next five years through the Georgia BRIGHT Communities Initiative.
The Initiative will reach households through four major solar programs:
BRIGHT Lease: Single family homeowners and renters (with landlord's permission) can lease solar panels at no upfront cost and save on their energy bills the very first month.
Community Benefit Solar: Nonprofits and other community organizations can install solar on their property through low-cost loans or solar energy procurement agreements, in exchange for sharing the financial benefits with eligible families or tenants for five years.
Utility-Led Community Solar: Utilities can receive funding to create new or improve existing community solar programs in exchange for guaranteeing savings to participants for five years
Free Direct Install Solar: Extremely low-income homeowners and other households that cannot access solar through other programs can receive a free system.
Additionally, the grant will fund support services like workforce training, small business support, permitting and interconnection technical assistance, and “enabling repairs” like roof replacements and tree trimming.
Who Can Participate?
Solar for All programming will be open to Georgia residents who either earn under 80% of the Area Median Income for their county or live in a disadvantaged census tract.